By Geno McGahee
Lance Archer has some comments for Jon Moxley and his upcoming opportunity. He is ready for his title shot and his progress in AEW. That match will be a great one.
FTR, with Tully Blanchard, hand-picked The Hybrid 2 as their challengers for the tag team titles. Jack Evans uses his speed and acrobatic style to own the early stages. Angelico gets his top rope shots in as well. They are facing the undefeated champions with a 3-3 record.
Evans may have hurt his leg with a leap from the top rope to the outside, but it’s not impacting his game too much. It’s pretty surprising that the challengers are dominating, but a Blanchard distraction gets the champions back on track.
FTR are focusing on the leg of Evans. They have taken complete control of the match, but Angelico gets into the ring and turns the tide. Evans cannot compete very well with his bad leg in this. They are putting up a good showing against the champions.
FTR has regained control and are putting a beating on Evans leading to a 3 count victory for the champions but the Hybrid2 put up one hell of a showing and I’m glad. They are a great team. The Young Bucks watched on and then double super kicked the camera man. They are kicking everyone in sight.
The Best Friends come out to the ring and call the champions “wienies” and said that they were granted a tag team title match next week on Dynamite.