The Angel on My Shoulder by Jolene Mercadante – BOOK REVIEW


By Forris Day Jr.

What do you think of when you hear someone mention a “Pit Bull”? If you’re like me, you think of news headlines that tell of seemingly unprovoked attacks on humans by these dogs. Perhaps what comes to mind are two dogs locked in a fenced in ring tearing each other to pieces, fighting to the death, or some pathetic drug dealer standing proud on a street corner with his pit Bull firmly secured with a oversized chain leash. These are images that have become commonplace in our minds when Pit Bull is mentioned in the conversation. I admit that is what I think of, but can you blame me, or most anyone else who has that image of these certainly intimidating animals.

Now meet Rumer. She is a Pit Bull. She looks no different than any other Pit Bull you have ever seen. As a matter of fact she is no different. There is one huge departure in the life she leads compared to the Pit Bulls of our worst nightmares. Rumer lives with a loving family who would never subject her to the atrocities that many Pit Bulls endure at the hands of low-life drug dealers who use these dogs as a show of toughness. She has never been forced to battle another dog while hoards of frenzied gamblers scream and yell hoping to make a few easy bucks based on which dog cheats death and which one will continue it’s agonizing life of nightly fights. She would never attack another person or animal for that matter. Why is this? Quite simply, as I have learned, because kindness is the true nature of Pit Bull Terriers.

“The Angel on My Shoulder” written by Jolene Mercadante is the true story, a memoir, of the life of Rumer an American Pit Bull Terrier who’s loving demeanor truly represents that of this misunderstood breed. They are not an evil breed, but actually quite the opposite. The book begins when Jolene and her partner Cheryl first picked Rumer out from a litter of puppies in 1992. They had to impatiently wait for for several weeks while she was weened before taking her home. And so begins the tale of Rumer as she slowly becomes another member of the family. We follow along as the girls families accept, with trepidation, a Pit Bull as a pet. The book covers the entire life of Rumer from puppyhood till death. Full of wonderful stories of her playing and learning life’s lesson much as a child would. Very touching indeed.

Mercadante has become an advocate for a breed of dog that has been maligned for years. We only need to think back a few short years ago when the dog of fear, so to speak, were Dobermans. I learned that Pit Bull Terriers are indeed a friendly and gentle breed that is only vicious when humans train them to be. It is NOT their nature. The reason these dogs get a bad rap are because the ones we read about and see on TV have been abused and beaten to the point of being mean. Is that result any different then that of a human who is beaten and abused?

Rumer lived a good life surrounded by good people and this allowed her true nature, as a Pit Bull, to shine through. I will now look at Pit Bulls in a different light, knowing they are a loving breed. I will still be careful around them knowing that some of the humans who control these dogs can be incredibly mean and at times evil. Mercandante is a very good writer and a loving dog owner who offered only the best life for a dog many turn their backs on. The book is a pleasant read. If you love dogs, you will really enjoy learning about this marvelous dog known as Rumer.

Rating: 7.5/10 “You’ll see Pit Bulls in a new light”

Jolene Mercadante’s website for the book.

Purchase book or e-book on Amazon

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