By Geno McGahee
The nationwide stay at home advisories and sometimes, orders, has put a lot of people into a difficult position. The continued house arrest without any outlets to alleviate stress has brought on anxiety and it doesn’t get better as the days go by.
Without the ability to have gatherings and without the ability to go out and talk to people, phone therapy has become in high demand and rightfully so. In the age of ever-improving technology, the possibilities have become endless and social meetings have become more and more popular. Much like personal workouts, therapy sessions are effective and commonplace and can prove more beneficial because of the familiar surroundings and comfortable atmosphere.
The coronavirus has hit the world hard and has generated a lot of fear. The news broadcasts seem to focus on the negative and it bleeds over into social media. This negativity has led to many emotions from those that can’t help but to be engrossed in the matter. Some of the most common reactions to the bombardment of negativity have been:
Being stuck at home, away from you job and way of life, has led to many having overwhelming feelings of sadness. Without the normal outlets, this can become a major problem.
With so many businesses currently closed, fear has led to stress. As those that are currently unable to work think about what the future may hold, the stress tends to build.
One of the most common reactions to the stay at home orders is anxiety. The inability to relax has been hitting a lot of people during this unique time in world history.
Relationship Issues
Many times, couples are stuck at home with each other and it can lead to uncommon arguments. The domestic issues have been on the rise lately over this matter.
The pressure of getting by has led to the feelings of anger by many. The helplessness that many feel translates into this emotion.
Phone therapy has been helping with all of these matters and continue to do so. Many phone therapy services provide the best therapists in the world, ready to listen and help during these trying times. The popularity of using your cell phone or camera on your computer to speak to a specialist continues to rise and will continue to do so. It is a great solution to many of the current problems that society is faced with today.