Who Can Kill A Child? (1976)

Geno 3

Reviewed by Melissa Antoinette Garza “There is something wrong with this island.”  Evelyn (Prunella Ransome) Tom (Lewis Fiander) and his very pregnant wife Evelyn (Prunella Ransome) are beginning their trip in Spain.  They enjoy the small shops and lavish parades in the streets.  All is lovely, and Evelyn remarks on how […]

The Laramie Project (2002)


Reviewed by Melissa Garza “Go home and give your kids a hug and don’t let a day go by without telling them that you love them.” – Rulon Stacey (Dylan Baker) “The Laramie Project” is a film adaptation of a play that is based on over 200 interviews conducted by […]

Phantom of the Paradise (1974)


Reviewed by Melissa Garza “My God you’re horrible.  Don’t rush off”  – Swan (Paul Williams) In honor of the great Paul Williams and the documentary Still Alive, I am reviewing  Phantom of the Paradise. Singer and songwriter Winslow Leach (William Finley) is approached by Philbin (George Memmoli) to make a deal.  Philbin […]

12 Angry Men (1957) – Best Film of All Time


Reviewed by Melissa Garza  “Wherever you run into it, prejudice always obscures the truth.” – Juror# 8 (Henry Fonda)   A common and painfully true cliché people often utter when discussing the classics is that “they just don’t make them like that anymore.“  That isn’t to say that they don’t […]

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