By Geno McGahee
Dynamite starts with a six-man tag team match with Hangman Page with John Silver and Alex Reynolds taking on Matt Hardy and Private Party. Matt Hardy came out with a shirt that says “the truth is the truth”, which is still unknown as to what it means.
The Dark Order has been courting Page and trying to get him into the group. Currently, they are on a friendly basis but nothing official. The match is fantastic ending with the Gin and Juice. Matt Hardy runs over and gets the pin and Private Party isn’t happy about that. Hardy is on his way to a heel turn and maybe he’s going to join the Dark Order.
Cody and Brandi Rhodes accept a gift being left at their door and it announces that they are expecting a child. After the announcement, Cody comes to the ring, ready for battle. The former 2-time TNT champion comes to the ring with Brandi and Arn Anderson.
Angelico, with Jack Evans, of TH2, is the opponent for Rhodes. Without question, Angelico is the underdog, but I’m happy to see that TH2 is starting to get some serious TV time. Angelico is doing very well with his awkward style and submissions.
After a great match, Cody lands the Cody Cutter from the top rope to get the 3 count win. Team Taz comes out to the ring to congratulate Cody. Taz is making his team the victims of AEW and they are revolting against the machine and that’s why they are focusing on Cody and Darby Allin. They go to the ring to take down Cody, but Sting’s music hits.
Sting comes to the ring, holding a baseball bat. Sting needs to dye his hair black. The white hair isn’t working, but otherwise, it’s great to see him back.
Miro is interviewed and it’s been noted that he was fined 75K for the attacks on the ring personnel. He talks about his hatred for Orange Cassidy and notes that there will be a big announcement next week on Dynamite concerning the marriage of Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford.
Eddie Kingston comes to the ring to announce that Pac hurt his neck and won’t be back. He then calls out Lance Archer and he rushes the ring. The Butcher and Blade come down to help Kingston. The Lucha Bros come on down and so does Pac. Archer and Pac have some tension over who wants to beat Kingston worse.
A 12 man tag team match is next featuring Best Friends, with Orange Cassidy, Varsity Blondes and Top Flight taking on the Inner Circle of Chris Jericho, MJF, Santana, Ortiz, Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara.
Brian Pillman, JR., and Chris Jericho are going at it and Jericho is always doing what he can to help the younger talent get over. I could do without Top Flight. They are horrible. They are as generic as they get. I have no clue why they are being pushed.
There is a lot of chaos, which is not surprising considering the amount of grapplers in the ring. Jake Hager lands the F-5 on Griff Garrison and tags in MJF to get the pin. The Inner Circle, thankfully, won this one.
Thunder Rosa does an interview and is attacked by Dr. Britt Baker. I love Baker and Thunder Rosa is tremendous too. This is going to be a great rivalry.
SCU comes to the ring. The rapping opponents, The Acclaimed, came to the ring and were met with rapping back from Frankie Kazarian, which was pretty funny. Christopher Daniels’ reactions to his partner’s rapping was the funniest part.
The Acclaimed used their stereo to hit Daniels in the head leading to a 3 count win for the young team. They then take to the microphones again and start insulting the Young Bucks. It looks like they will get a title match next Dynamite. Kazarian seems pissed off at Daniels for the defeat.
A tag team match with Ivelisse and Diamante taking on Big Swole and NWA champ, Serena Deeb. Why is Swole back on Dynamite? She is terrible. She has zero charisma and is just annoying. They just said that she is the #1 contender for the world title. What a joke. AEW has to cut some of the fat out of their roster.
Big Swole gets the submission win for her team. Nyla Rose and Vicky Guerrero invade and Guerrero’s kicks were pretty sad. Red Velvet runs in with a chair to save the day.
Joey Janela takes on AEW champion, Kenny Omega, in the main event of Dynamite. Omega is great as a heel and the addition of Don Callis makes him that much better. Callis and Tony Schiavone have words and Schiavone tells Callis to kiss his ass. Go Tony!
Omega lands the One Winged Angel to get the 3 count. Janela was pretty sloppy in this match. I think the extra weight that he’s put on isn’t helping him.