By Geno McGahee
I was hoping that the complete idiot, Marko Stunt, wasn’t going to be here tonight, but there he is again. As much as I’m a fan of Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy, they need to be jobbers until they lose Stunt. Who the hell is a fan of Stunt? I doubt one exists. He must be related to somebody in AEW to get this spot.
The champions come down and they have held the titles for quite some time and are undefeated. This is the first time that they are defending against the Jurassic Express. Immediately, Stunt jumps to the apron and gets slapped by Omega. Jungle Boy is taking it to Omega and tags in Luchasaurus.
Omega is fighting off Luchasaurus, but he’s still getting the worse of it. This has been a very dominant start for Jurassic Express. Omega isn’t having a good go here. Page gets a blind tag and is finally in the ring. He is using his power to overwhelm Jungle Boy, while Stunt is making all sorts of noise outside of the ring…quite annoying.
Luchasaurus is doing great, landing his choke slam on Page, leading to a near fall. Omega gets the tag and lands the V Trigger and is giving everyone the Snap Dragon, including Stunt. Omega has the momentum.
All four men are in the ring and the champions are dominating. Luchasaurus regains control and Stunt interferes, taking Omega down, giving Luchasaurus a chance leading to a near fall over Page.
Page lands a powerbomb on Jungle Boy for a near fall. They land the Last Call for the 1-2-3 to retain the titles.