Extremities (1986) – Rape Revenge Movie Review


Reviewed by Melissa Antoinette Garza

“No talking to the animal!” – Marjorie (Farrah Fawcett)

One late night, Marjorie (Farrah Fawcett) gets into her car only to be attacked by Joe (James Russo), a scumbag who tries to rape her. She escapes and runs to the police who confuse her with a prostitute and then advises her she was ‘compliant.’ The female detective goes as far to say that even if he was caught he’d go for free because it’s her word against his.

Marjorie asks for protection from the police as Joe stole her wallet. She is told to call if he shows up. She leaves dismayed.

Her worst fears come true as Joe comes into the home and tries to rape her again. He taunts her and threatens to burn her with hot butter. He torments her by making her get dressed in a particular outfit and then calls her a whore when she is in it.
She fights back. She throws chemicals in his eyes which make him temporarily blind. She ties him up and locks him in the fireplace.

Soon, her roommates get home and flip out. Terry (Diana Scarwid) is great as the panicked and irrational one. She was also fantastic in Mommy Dearest and Psycho III.

Patricia (Alfre Woodard) is a social worker who tries to figure out some sense in the insanity that is going on around her. Joe attempts to play Patty and tells her what he thinks she’ll want to hear. That works out until a knife is found on him.

Woodard has been in a lot previously and I always look forward to see her name on the cast. I think this was the first thing I had seen her in, all those years ago, when this came out on TV and I was about 10.
Fawcett is amazing as she had always been. This and The Burning Bed are both tremendous films. The strength she can convey even when she is the victim shows a level of realism a lot of actors and actresses miss when in similar roles. The only other actress I’ve seen pull it off to this caliber was Angela Bassett in What’s Love Got To Do With It when she portrayed the iconic Tina Turner.

Overall, the second almost rape scene is very difficult to get through. I still have a tough time watching it and find that I distract myself when it’s on. That said to properly understand the reaction Marjorie has one must watch that as well.

Overall Rating: 7/10 RIP Miss Fawcett

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