By Geno McGahee
Jon Moxley cuts a promo about his match with Eddie Kingston, talking about how personal the battle is.
Eddie Kingston comes to the ring with the Butcher, Bunny and Blade. Damn, there has to be something they can do with those three that is better than what they’re doing. Allie and her hubby were great in IMPACT and they are just lingering in jobberville in AEW. I know it’s crowded, but damn, they have a lot to offer and this is just a stale and boring gimmick.
Matt Sydal is in the ring and he is still recovering from his less than stellar debut in AEW, where he slipped off the top rope and nearly hurt himself. Kingston is a very unusual and interesting character. He understands the psychology of the game more than most.
Sydal is using his high-flying style to own the early action. Kingston takes the momentum back with his high-impact style. He really makes his offense look real. Sydal recovers and does some great work with his kicking, getting a near fall from a head kick.
Another near fall from a top rope double knee for Sydal. Sydal’s offense is very impressive. Kingston gets a choke in and Sydal taps out, but Kingston will not let go. He is sending a message to Moxley. He made Sydal say “I quit,” which he did.