Security concerns has become a major dilemma for most business owners. The reason for this is the rising incidences of theft from both inside and outside the company is happening at a record pace. This is something you need to take seriously if you own a business and want to prevent it from collapsing.
The first thing you should start to do is to find a trustworthy store that can competently install surveillance cameras. This is something Spy Centre Security is an acknowledged expert due to the experience amassed over the years.
The installation of security cameras will lead to a drastic fall in theft in your business. Let’s walk you through some of the ways that installing hidden cameras will benefit your company.
- Improve Customer Service
Ensuring your customers are satisfied with your service delivery is vital for your business. If there are complaints of unsatisfactory quality of services, video evidence will help you establish why. For most of the complaints, the issue is with one of your employees who doesn’t know how best to handle your customer in certain situations.
Thus, you should install hidden surveillance cameras as they help you know the areas where your business needs to improve. By doing this, you’ll be able to offer your staff with appropriate training on how best to deal with clients. The hidden cameras also allow you to determine workers who don’t match your company’s culture.
- Prevent Theft by Employees
Whereas it’s hard to believe that your staff might be stealing from your company, this is very common. Research done by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce revealed that around 75% of employees steal, which causes 30% of business failures.
Thus, it’s essential to install surveillance cameras as this is the only way you’d catch any one of your employees while stealing. Furthermore, your employees are less likely to steal if they know there are hidden cameras somewhere on the business premises.
When buying a surveillance camera, confirm that the image quality is crystal clear. This is important to avoid any challenges identifying your employees. If you have surveillance cameras that record quality footage, it’ll be easier to know the employee stealing from your business.
- Safer Workplace Environment
Protecting your business and all its assets is crucial, but you must never forget to safeguard your employees too. You should do so by positioning security cameras at your company’s parking lot, entrances, and exits. By doing this, your staff will feel a lot safer while in the office. This plays a big part in improving their productivity since they can better focus on their work.
The security cameras also help prevent vandalism and break-ins. It also prevents the attack of any of your employees when walking at night in the parking lot or any other criminal activity.
- Lowers Your Insurance Costs
Installing surveillance cameras qualifies your business for discounted insurance premiums. The reason for this is that security cameras show you’re putting in place appropriate measures to safeguard your business. This means your business is less prone to vandalism, theft, or any other damage. As a result, you’ll be charged lower insurance premiums. This happens because the insurance company sees you as less of a liability. Furthermore, because you’ve made their work easier, they’ll be more willing to give you lower insurance premiums.