By Geno McGahee
A Christmas Carol is one of the best holiday stories of all time and there are many adaptations including the 1994 A FLINTSTONES CHRISTMAS CAROL. Now the Flintstones came out in the 1960s and was very much loved. I never got into it, but since I’m full of holiday joy, I decided to give this one a go and considering that it’s a take on A Christmas Carol, how could I go wrong?
Fred Flintstone has the lead role in the local play rendition of A CHRISTMAS CAROL and he’s being a total diva prick. He’s walking around basically bragging about this role he got in a local show. His wife, Wilma, has had enough of it and is getting pissed. You can definitely tell that this show was created in the sixties. You don’t meet too many Wilmas nowadays.
As Fred walks the town and goes to work, it is clear that this is the biggest thing to come to Bedrock in some time. Everyone is acting in it, including his boss, Slate, and best friend, Barney. The beginning of this animated feature is incredibly tough to get through. It was borderline annoying.
For some reason, on top of the play, they’ve added something called the “Bedrock Bug” and everyone is getting sick. It’s only used as part of the story to get Wilma involved in the play over and over again. I really dislike Wilma. She’s a total bitch. She deserves to be married to Fred and listen to him talk about how great he is all the time.
The Christmas Carol portion of this story begins and it’s terrible too. After watching MR. MAGOO’S A CHRISTMAS CAROL, this one cannot compare. Magoo was awesome as Scrooge, kicking the can out of a little kid’s hand and basically telling everyone to fuck themselves. Fred is shit and when Wilma basically plays every other character in the story, it goes to shit.
The normal story continues with breaks in between for Fred to brag about himself and Wilma to be a total bitch. She is such a bitch that she nearly killed Fred, smashing him over the head with a rock. This holiday special is one of the worst I have ever seen and they had great material to work with. They just took the best story in the holiday world and took a big dump on it.
A FLINTSTONES CHRISTMAS CAROL was an insult to the story and it was a very difficult film to get through. I wanted to shut it off multiple times, but for a review’s sake, I stayed the course and suffered. Avoid this one. Watch Magoo.