A damning new documentary, directed by M.A. Taylor and narrated by bestselling author Peter Schweizer, is shining sunlight on the close ties between Joe Biden’s family and the Chinese elite.
“Riding the Dragon: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets” delves into a number of lucrative business deals facilitated by Hunter Biden during his time as a board member for the BHR Partners firm. BHR is headquartered in Beijing, and the movie explores how Hunter Biden was able to secure meetings and agreements with Chinese officials thanks to his father’s position as vice president and as a prominent American political figure.
One such deal was a 2015 venture by BHR and AVIC Auto, which is run by Aviation Industry Corp. of China, to purchase the American auto parts manufacturer Henniges Automotive. AVIC builds aircraft for the Chinese military, and the film notes that Henniges’s products can be used for both civilian and military purposes.
Another deal that benefited the Chinese military was in 2017. That year, as detailed in the movie, BHR helped China Molybdenum Co. Ltd. acquire a stake in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Tenke copper mine. Molybdenum can be used to make steel for weapons manufacturing.
“Riding the Dragon” is available to view on YouTube, free for all to see who are interested in learning the truth behind the Biden family’s cozy relationship with China’s Communist elite.