By James Witherspoon
Yo, check this out. I was driving in my pickup truck and blasting some of my boy’s, Willie Nelson, music when I got a call on my cell phone from a friend saying that Willie Nelson had died. I don’t care how much of a hillbilly redneck he is, I still love Nelson and I’m not talking about those soy boys that sang After the Rain either. YA YEARD!
Now, I called boy boy, Willie Nelson, and he was steaming mad. He had the following to say:
“I can’t believe these soy boy, EBT-toting, cellar dwelling geeks put me on blast like this. All I want to do is entertain all those trailer park losers and make some green while fucking the IRS as much as I can and then this happens? Really? Really? Nice try fellas, but you’re not getting rid of me any time soon. Well, maybe sometime soon. I am as old as shit as you know.”
(Note: May not be actual comments of Willie Nelson)