By Geno McGahee
One of the best storylines going continues as Colt Cabana remains in the recruitment phase with the Dark Order. Tonight, he has to look across the ring at his good friends, SCU, and we should learn just how serious he is about joining Brodie Lee.
It’s great to see Evil Uno again! He has been missed! SCU takes the initial advantage and Grayson is taking a beating, but Lee doesn’t seem concerned. Cabana tags in and is nursing bad ribs. A bear hug by Scorpio Sky puts him in extreme pain, leading to some anger from Dark Order. They do not want to look weak.
Cabana is in a lot of pain, but he continues on and Lee and Grayson are using every heel trick in the book to keep the momentum going. Cabana is finding his groove with the Dark Order. Lee tags into the ring and starts taking control. SCU uses some teamwork to get some things done with Lee, but it doesn’t last long. Lee is a beast.
Lee lands his finisher and tags in Cabana for the 3 count to get the win. Cabana is enjoying the victory and is quickly becoming loyal to the Dark Order.