Jaki’s Buzz Special: Brett Epstein Banned for Life


Reviewed by Geno McGahee 

Jaki’s Buzz, an entertainment show, focusing primarily on the local area (New England) has branched out, adding a fictional backstage look into the show, reminiscent of The Office.  The decision is a smart one and with the current cast of characters and talented actors involved, it’s hard not to envision a successful run for the show when it puts it all together.

In “Brett Epstein Banned for Life,” we have charismatic host, Jaki Valensi-Lauper, irritated at the irritating Brett Epstein, a person that she must keep around because of his connections.  Lauper shines as the boss. 

The show focuses mostly on Epstein’s physical humor, but the true humor of the show came with Crystal Aya Ruppert and Forris Day, JR., began to interact.  The two of them compliment each other well and there is a world of potential there.  When you add the tyrannical boss in Lauper you have the makings of a good show.  As of now, it’s in its infancy but the potential is there to become something larger.

I look forward to the next entry in this series and the continued improvement from this talented group. 

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