Movies became a part of our life not so long ago, but we can’t imagine modern life without them anymore. It seems that writing a review of a movie might be a simple thing because we discuss a lot of them and know how to describe our feelings about any genre. It is a true and a false statement at the same time. True because we are fond of this topic and have opinions and points of view to the majority of movie industry questions. But on the other hand, it is hard because, like every writing, it has rules you must follow to be successful in writing and get a good score. If you don’t want to convert your magic movie world to a structured task, you can use a writing services company e.g. SmartWritingService and get a perfect result online. Nevertheless, if you are ready to write it yourself, here is a professional guide that can help you with writing a perfect review or academic essay. e.g. SmartWritingService and get a perfect result online. Nevertheless, if you are ready to write it yourself, here is a professional guide that can help you with writing a perfect review.
Watch the movie for the first time. It is an obvious step if you want to write a quality review. Don’t try to ask your friends to tell you about the plot or the characters because they will add their opinion, and you can’t write your research. During first watching, don’t try to think about future writing. Just do it like it is a common movie that you chose for the evening time.
Watch the movie for the second time and make notes. This watching is for notes and planning future reviews. You don’t need to follow it attentively for the plot twists because you already watched it, so now you can spend time noticing peculiarities you want to describe in a review. Also, don’t forget to check your feelings about situations. Do you worry? Are you in tension? Do you believe in situations they describe? This part is for analyzing and starting to write small notes that will be very helpful. At the same time, you will catch sight of a lot of things you missed during first watching.
Define a thesis statement and main characters. Every movie has a thought (or a few of them) that that author wants to show. They must be clear and simple or veiled and hard for understanding. Your task is to find out these thoughts and analyze if they pictured good or bad—the same work you should do with the main characters. Modern movies are close to real-life like never before, so characters can’t have only good or bad features. It should be mixed so pay your attention to this fact too.
Compare your movie with another that has a close plot and idea. The majority of movies are about love, fight, war, family relations, power, and some other human interests. So the truth is that your movie is not the first that describes such an idea. Your goal is to find movies with similar plots and compare the way they work with a viewer and convey their ideas.
Take time to describe camera work, costumes, makeup, and other details. Don’t forget that movie is the work of a team but not only the guys you see on a screen. A lot of people do their invisible job to make a bright movie that you will enjoy. Try to notice some of them for comparing and analyzing. The best movie is when you can confidently say that you believe that all things on the screen happened in real life without any help.
Try to imagine what prizes this movie could get. It is exciting to imagine yourself as a judge of the international contest. Oscar, Cannes are truly different, so it is almost impossible to become successful everywhere for one movie. Try to explain why your movie deserves some of the prizes or doesn’t deserve it at all.
Check reviews of professional film critics and compare them with your own. After all your writings, it is time to check the reviews of professionals. Don’t do this before all the steps above because it might influence your opinion, but comparing at the end of writing will be useful.
Conclude and recommend it or not for other spectators. To watch or not to watch? Would you recommend the movie? What audience will enjoy it mostly? All your research was done for answering these questions because movies are only made for watching.
Use proofreading. This last tip is simple and important at the same time. All professionals use proofreading to avoid mistakes and sleep off the pen. You can use friend’s help, or online service bot don’t ignore proofreading. It is very offensive to do a great job and get a bad score because of mistakes you could avoid.
We believe that these tips will help, and you will enjoy review writing a lot.