By Geno McGahee
YES!!!! Evil Uno is there! He is accompanying Colt Cabana to the ring for his big match with Hangman Page. I feel bad for Cabana. He’s already on the bad side of Mr. Brodie Lee of the Dark Order and his chances aren’t very good here tonight.
Evil Uno is hilarious. His cheering outside the ring is very entertaining. Give Evil Undo the world title!!!
The match is competitive and as it goes back and forth, Evil Uno acts accordingly. I’m sorry. I’m a huge Evil Uno fan.
Colt is hanging in there, but Page is controlling the majority of the match. Page is one of the best singles wrestlers that AEW has but Cabana is trying his best in this brutal match. Cabana avoids the buckshot lariat but doesn’t avoid it twice and the 1-2-3 and Page advances. Uno shakes his head in disgust. The Dark Order gets in the ring and they assist Cabana out of the ring.