Greedy Lying Bastards (2013) – Global Warming Documentary Review

Geno 2

By Geno McGahee

There has been much debate about the global warming crisis. Former Vice President, Al Gore, brought the topic to the attention of the masses, but his connections to various companies that would line his pockets if regulations went through led many to think that it was nothing more than a scheme. The scientific community is split on the topic, but in Craig Rosebraugh’s documentary “GREEDY LYING BASTARDS” some of the dots are connected and a strong case is made that global warming is real and very dangerous.

The fossil fuel industry, the politicians connected, and the obvious conflicts of interest are examined and exposed. George W. Bush, Mitt Romney and many others that had come out against global warming had reasons to and it was all about dollars and cents. The evil of the oil industry is compared to the tobacco industry. When it was going to be exposed the nicotine is addictive and that smoking causes cancer, they denied it, stating that there was no concrete evidence. The oil men followed the same course, stating that the global warming crisis was a hoax and that there was no evidence otherwise.

Recent natural disasters, including tornados and wildfires, are shown to support the fact that the world’s environment is changing. The best part of this film is the exposing of the connections between those opposed to any regulations and the oil industry. It may be the worst kept secret in the world, but the outline of who, what, when, where and why is very compelling.

GREEDY LYING BASTARDS has won many awards on the film festival circuit and with good reason. It presents its case, presents facts supporting its contentions and will have you rethinking the situation. The film is shot incredibly well and moves along at a good pace. Craig Rosebraugh in association with Executive Producer, Daryl Hannah, has come up with a notable documentary that is certainly worth a watch.

The Disinformation Company is putting this out and I’m a big fan of what they are doing and the films that they distribute. GREEDY LYING BASTARDS will hit the streets on January 14th, but you can pre-order now. I highly recommend this.

Purchase Now – Click Here

Rating: 7.5/10

2 thoughts on “Greedy Lying Bastards (2013) – Global Warming Documentary Review

  1. On another note, Steven Seagal kind of said the same thing when he was killing all the bad guys in On Deadly Ground. His way of solving the problem was to blow up the oil refinery and kill a hundred oil workers. Nobody can do it better than our heroic Grasshopper.

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