Eight of Pentacles
In a standard tarot deck, the Eight of Pentacles shows a man chiseling pieces of gold. He’s confident in his work and enjoys his chosen profession. He was driven to his career by instinct and talent rather than money or success.
In recent times, making a living utilizing your natural gifts has been difficult. You may have needed to take a side gig or two to cover the monthly expenses. The time you’ve wanted to use to hone your skills and become better at your craft, has been used to barely keep up with what the world throws at you.
Left with anxiety and the feeling that there aren’t enough hours in the day, your own needs have fallen by the wayside. When was the last time you focused on yourself, your hopes and your dreams. You’re feeling unfulfilled and depressed.
Maybe you’ve convinced yourself that hopes and dreams are just for kids and you have to grow up. That’s a copout. You know you were born with something special. You see others in the same field you want to be in who haven’t half your talent. You are going to get noticed and you can succeed, but you must put the time in.
Cut your expenses and budget down to the smallest possible amount so you can drop some hours from your side gigs. It may be tough for a few months, but you need to get your foot in the door or else you’ll be stuck where you are forever. Whether you intern, volunteer or find an apprenticeship within your desired career path, take that step.
Some may judge or condemn you for being selfish. Don’t listen to them. You have the potential of making it big in a way that will allow you to help those you love while staying true to yourself. This is your time. Take it.
Card Pulled by Hungarian Gypsy – Melissa Antoinette Garza
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