Ten of Wands
The Ten of Wands depicts a man bent over as he struggles to carry the heavy wands that hold him down. The card speaks of one who is exhausted and needs a break from all the ills of the world. Whether at work, home or in the company of friends, you adopt everyone’s problems and are the go-to fix-it person. When you are faced with a dilemma however, you handle it solo. The pressure is becoming too much.
You have a self-imposed moral sense of responsibility to anyone and everyone. If someone is sick, you take care of them. If someone is going through a tough time, you help them out. You’re thoughtful, compassionate and genuinely kind, but you need to take care of yourself too.
You are fabulous at listening and offering advice. You are quick with solutions and freely offer love and heartfelt sentiment, but it is weighing you down. You have your own baggage. You’re dealing with a lot and have dealt with a lot for a very long time. The world hasn’t been easy to you, yet you try to act as though it has. You don’t give yourself any of the allowances you give to other people and hold yourself to ridiculous expectations that no one can live up to. Then, when you crash-and-burn, it hits you like a freight train.
You would willingly give a stranger your last $10 if you believed they truly needed it, while rationalizing that they need it more than you. You’re selling yourself short and you’re not taking care of your own needs. If you saw a friend acting the way you are, you’d advise them to take a break and be kind to themselves. Follow that advice.
You are emotionally overwhelmed and extremely tired! Sometimes you think helping someone out is easier than telling someone no, but start saying “NO.” When you do help someone, try not to let their problems weigh you down. If you must help someone, do what you can quickly and let it go. I know it’s difficult, but that pit in your stomach and potential stress ulcer is helping no one.
You may also be one drawn into political discourse and watching/reading the news. Your instincts and motives are most certainly intrinsically good, but sometimes knowledge isn’t power. Stay away from anything too depressing. Your brain needs a break from despair.
Try to plan a retreat to clear your mind, a quiet vacation, or at the very least watch some feel-good movies without distractions. Shut your computer and phone off. The world can wait. Your emotional well-being can’t.
Card Pulled by Hungarian Gypsy – Melissa Antoinette Garza
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