By Geno McGahee I sincerely miss the days of shot on video horror from the 80s and 90s. Thankfully, I have tons of them in my collection and I have opted to dust off a release that I picked up at Media Play all those years ago with a SOV […]
Micro Budget
Memorial Day (1999) – Low Budget Slasher Horror Movie Review
By Geno McGahee There is something incredibly charming about indie horror films from around this time. I loved going to the video stores and picking up a couple of these low budget horror films and it is a time I missed, but I’m a collector and I own just about […]
The Violence Movie 1 & 2 (1988) – Friday the 13th –Inspired Backyard Cinema DVD – Horror Movie Review
By Geno McGahee The year is 1988 and the VHS camcorders became commonplace, which led to many youngsters using the cameras to create art through this new medium. The horror movie market at the video stores created their shot on video films that found their way on the shelves and […]
Nudist Colony of the Dead (1991) – Movie Review
By Melissa Antoinette Garza Mark Pirro is pretty badass. He wrote, rewrote, re-rewrote and directed NUDIST COLONY OF THE DEAD (1991). It says so in the opening credits. He also apparently made this film on only a $35,000 budget, and it’s awesome. The film starts when Judge Rhinehole (Forrest […]
THE NIGHTMARE (1981) Horror Movie Review
By Melissa Antoinette Garza A distributor went to prison for 18 months because he refused to edit even one second of this video nasty cult classic. Now, we’re getting somewhere! THE NIGHTMARE (1981) opens with psychologically damaged George Tatum (Baird Stafford) in a straight jacket screaming as visions of the […]
The Body Beneath (1970) – Horror Movie Review
By Melissa Antoinette Garza THE BODY BENEATH (1970) starts off with Anna Ford (Susan Clark) placing flowers on her mother’s grave at a cemetery right before closing. Three blue-faced fem-vamps attack her on the way out. The vampires in this flick dislike sun, but it’s not a rule-breaker and they […]
By Melissa Antoinette Garza There are not many Thanksgiving horror films out there. Thankfully, one of the few we do have, HOME SWEET HOME (1981) is a wonderful train wreck of insanity. It’s not subtle and it’s not high-brow. It’s over-the-top lunacy done with a self-awareness that makes for some […]
TERROR AT THE RED ROOF INN (1972) – Horror Movie Review
By Melissa Antoinette Garza When TERROR AT THE RED ROOF INN (1972) opens we see Henry Smith (Arthur Space). Henry is a well-dressed old man with a killer green thumb (Nailed it!) He is kind, sweet and attentive to his plants. I’m sure I won’t change my opinion of this wonderful elderly […]
Cataclysm (1980) – Horror Movie Review
By Melissa Antoinette Garza If you’ve ever seen NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR (1985) you obtained a glimpse. Footage from CATACLYSM (1980) was taken and a very short synopsis of this movie was shown to create the anthology short. I love NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR, but you must experience CATACLYSM […]
The Black Room (1982) – Horror Movie Review
By Melissa Antoinette Garza Larry (Jimmy Stathis)is a middle-aged man who is married with two kids. He and his wife Robin (Clara Perryman) try to keep an active love-life but are always interrupted by their children. Larry wanting a little adventure sneaks a way to purchase a rendezvous spot where […]
Ring of Darkness (1979) – Horror Movie Review
By Melissa Antoinette Garza RING OF DARKNESS (1979) also known as SATAN’S WIFE is a trippy 1979 low-budget Italian sexploitation that is equal parts hilarious and odd. It’s a bit like THE WITCHES OF EASTWICK (1987) on crack. It follows a group of women who when much younger gave […]
Satan’s Children (1975) – Horror Movie Review
By Melissa Antoinette Garza SATAN’S CHILDREN (1975) is like I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE (1972) was mixed with SATAN’S SLAVE (1976), but with a male lead who doubles as both a protagonist and antagonist. Bobby (Stephen White) is tortured, bullied and abused everywhere he goes. His stepsister Janis (Joyce […]