Birdemic: Shock and Terror (2010) Movie Review


Reviewed by Melissa Garza

I’ve discussed the amazingly awesome “How Did This Get Made?” podcast in previous reviews.  There are times where this dicates which movies my husband and I watch.  So, after listening to the live episode, my husband, brother-in-law, and myself watched the film with the Rifftrax commentary on.

Here’s the plot.  This really wierd guy Rod (Alan Bagh) runs into Nathalie (Whitney Moore) at a diner.  He had gone to school with her.  He follows her and an awkward romance begins.

Meanwhile, Rod makes a ton of money when a company he has stock options in is acquired for a billion dollars.  He’s not the only one with good news.  Nathalie gets chosen to be a Victoria Secret cover model, though her mother (Patsy van Ettinger) is a little disappointed as she wants something more lucrative like …real estate.

Through the first forty-five minutes, we learn what a stand-up weirdo Rod is.  He spends 19k to put solar panels on the house, drives a hybrid, and is very concerned about Global Warming – though he doesn’t have any quams about the plastic from all the water bottles he purchases.

At long last, right after Rod and Nathalie make love – the birds attack.  The birds are hilarious.  They are CGI – but like 1980s video game CGI.  They have very little movement and mostly just hover in front of people flapping their wings.

That’s about it.  The birds come from nowhere, they murder, and then they leave.

It’s amazing to think that the director thought the film was serious when shooting.  More than that, he thought that there was a real moral message about the environment being conveyed in the work.  The movie is very entertaining.  Near the end, when a bastardized melody version of “Imagine” is played in the background, one just has to cringe.

Overall, the acting was bad, the plot was pointless, and there was more filler than film.  Still, it’s one hell of a fun movie and I strongly suggest everyone watch it…and then right after download the “How Did This Get Made” podcast because it’s f’n awesome and Al Yankovic is on and he’s the man.

Birdemic:  8/10

RiffTrax version:  10/10

“How Did This Get Made” podcast:  10/10

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