Even in the modern age of digital streaming services and films-on-demand, many people still love the unique experience of visiting their local movie theater to catch the latest Hollywood blockbuster or critically acclaimed indie flick, with statistics showing that over 60% of Americans spend $10 or more on movie tickets every single month.
There’s something special about being in a movie theater that can’t quite compare with anything else. The smell of the popcorn, the murmurs of the audience, the size of the screen, the vibration in the seats when the audio starts to play; all of these aspects help to make the experience truly fun and thrilling for all, but it’s important to note that even in movie theaters, accidents and injuries can occur.
Movie theaters are designed to be safe, enjoyable places, but they come with their fair share of risks. The food you buy at the theater, for example, might not always be the freshest, and trying to find your way around in those very dark conditions could lead to you tripping, falling over, and even suffering a serious head injury. With this in mind, here are some top tips for movie theater safety.
Arrive on Time
A useful tip to minimize the risk of any issues or accidents at the theater is to make sure you arrive on time. In fact, it’s best to get to the theater a little while before your showing actually begins. Not only does this give you time to visit the restroom, buy some snacks, and check out the trailers for coming attractions too, but it also allows you to enter the theater when the lights are still up.
This makes it a lot safer to walk around and find your seat. If you arrive light, after the film has started and the lights have gone down, it can be far more treacherous to walk around and find somewhere to sit. You could easily trip on the stairs, for example, or be unable to find your friends or family if they’re already inside.
Tread Carefully
Following on from the previous point, if you do have to navigate the movie theater in the dark, be sure to keep your eyes on the ground ahead of you and tread with care. Don’t let yourself get distracted by the lights and sounds of the screen and fail to look where you’re going, and don’t feel like you need to rush through the room to get to your seat, risking an accident in the process.
It’s much more sensible to take your time, treading with care and potentially using the light of your phone to guide you, or asking a theater attendant for some assistance, if needed.
Wash Your Hands
In this day and age, everyone should understand the importance of washing hands and sanitizing surfaces. This is especially true in a movie theater, where it’s quite common to buy some popcorn or bring along some candy and other snacks to enjoy while you watch the film.
Just think about all the surfaces you touch along the way before taking your seat. You probably touched the door handle to get in, a touchscreen of some kind to buy your ticket, other screens and devices to pay for your food, and so on. There could be all kinds of germs and dirt on those surfaces, so consider carrying some antibacterial gel and clean your hands before you eat.
Choose Food with Care
It’s common for movie-goers to stock up on a big bucket of popcorn before taking their seat or grab some other snacks from the lobby like hot dogs, nachos, boxes of candy, and so on. However, you should be very careful with the food you choose when it comes to eating at the movie theater.
There’s nothing wrong with buying a bucket of popcorn or grabbing a slushie, but be sure to pay close attention to the conditions of the food and the general cleanliness of the theater before doing so. Some places can be quite lax in their hygiene standards and may leave stale popcorn out for hours before serving it. Opt for fresher foods if possible or boxed/bagged alternatives you can rely on.
Final Word
It’s always fun to head to the movies with the family, but that fun can be ruined if you make the wrong choices or get into any accidents when you arrive. Be careful and follow these useful tips to have the best time, with minimal risks.