THE THING, 30 DAYS OF NIGHT, DEAD OF WINTER: Subject To Changes Podcast – episode 8


Xposse Productions releases episode 8 of “SUBJECT TO CHANGES” Podcast, hosted by Geno McGahee and Eric Michaelian. In this episode, Geno and Eric discuss winter horror including THE THING, 30 DAYS OF NIGHT and DEAD OF WINTER.

Also featured is “Eric’s 2 Minute Movie Review”, where he speaks about the Amy Adams film NIGHTBITCH movie.  

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Linnea Quigley's Trash's Revenge, Return of the Living Dead Universe - Trailer Released

DRagon Studios has released the official teaser trailer for Linnea Quigley’s Trash’s Revenge, Return of the Living Dead Universe. As the saga continues decades after the horrific events of the 1985 cult classic, Trash the notorious punk rocker, played by Linnea Quigley, finds herself trapped in a past where fame has […]

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