The Authentic Actor by Michael Laskin – BOOK REVIEW


By Forris Day Jr.

I’ve acted in several theater shows and have done a few indie films. I enjoy acting, but I also know where I stand in the acting world. I’m no great actor, nor have I ever attained to be. I just enjoy doing what I can. If you are like me, a mediocre actor and are happy, there is nothing wrong with that. If you have bigger dreams and do want to become a great actor then check out Michael Laskin’s Book “The Authentic Actor”.

The book is an easy read but it’s overflowing with an abundance of solid information. It’s broken into seven sections, each covering a different aspect of acting such as career and auditions. Each section is broken up into one or two page “bites” of information. That is it. Straightforward information laid out in front of you to do with as you wish. No formulas, no fluff and no B.S. Laskin is a veteran actor and his advice is to the point and blunt. Take it or leave it. If you are a realist and want simple, straightforward advice on becoming a better actor, well here it is.

What I learned from Laskin is acting is much less about “acting” but more about learning who you are and what you offer. Each person is unique and can bring different things to the table. For example when auditioning, never mind what you “think” the casting directors are looking for. Show them what you can offer. Show them YOU. Solve their casting problem. This is a much more proactive approach. I never really thought of auditions like that but you can bet your bottom dollar I will walk into auditions now with a new attitude. (Even if I am only auditioning for the part of dead guy #3)

You will learn a bit on attitude, manners and even when you should turn down work. Yup…turning down work, even if you need it, can help you become more successful in this crazy business. He’ll get you thinking about where you should live to best follow your pursuit and he will guide you in creating a set of goals to keep you aimed in the correct direction. He has written a nice piece on networking or “Gathering your tribe” as Laskin calls it.

If you want to be a better actor whether for your local community theater or you dream of breaking down the gates of Hollywood this book will be an invaluable tool in that pursuit. Keep a copy with you at all times and reference it as you get to different points in your chase. It’s like having Michael Laskin hanging out with you answering all your questions about what to do next.

The bottom line is: “The Authentic Actor” is a no B.S. approach to acting. Michael Laskin is blunt, truthful and sugar coats nothing! He doesn’t preach any magic method to becoming a better actor. What he does teach you is a mindset that will guide you on your quest of becoming the best performer that you can be. Overflowing with straightforward advice, practical tips and simple exercises, “The Authentic Actor” is as an important and valuable tool to an actor as a hammer is to a carpenter. I recommend buying yourself a copy and any friends who you would love to see become a better actor.

Purchase “The Authentic Actor”

Listen to Michael Laskin and Forris Day Jr. chat about the book:

Rating: 9/10 – “Be a better actor; Be yourself”



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