By Geno McGahee
Tomorrow, SUPERGIRL: THE SIXTH AND FINAL SEASON comes to Blu-ray and DVD from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. The release features 20 episodes, some new featurettes and deleted scenes. This is the end of the successful series and it concludes in a satisfying and entertaining way.
This final season continues the pattern set by the rest, focusing on the writing, cinematography and style that we’ve seen in the prior seasons. Supergirl has her team as they take on Lex Luthor and other villains. As this transpires, Supergirl has to deal with her own mortality and what really matters to her and what life she wants to lead. The storyline continues to be very compelling and provides some twists and turns along the way.
We get a lot of focus on the other characters as Supergirl finds herself trapped in the Phantom Zone. This season makes it a point to give every character the proper sendoff and showcase and we get the proper ending to this series even though it was predictable. They gave the DC fans what they wanted.
I highly recommend SUPERGIRL: THE SIXTH AND FINAL SEASON. It is a great way to conclude the series and if you are a fan of the series, you will need to see this final entry.