By Geno McGahee
Chris Jericho and Jake Hager start the show with Santana. Hager is coming off his win in Bellator and is pretty beaten up. Jericho and Hager are hilarious together. MJF and Wardlow interrupt and Hager isn’t too happy. Jericho makes the comment that MJF doesn’t have the killer instinct and that he’s soft. Jericho comes out to do the commentary. He’s so fucking great at commentary and I really look forward to the night of laughs.
Ortiz and Sammy Guevara start the show, taking on Wardlow and MJF. Ortiz is clean shaven tonight and in some new ring gear. Ortiz starts off with Wardlow and does pretty well until the big man gets him in a near choke slam. MJF and Wardlow are keeping Ortiz isolated in the corner and putting on the abuse.
Ortiz is having a very hard time getting the tag to Guevara. Jericho tells Schiavone that he was “kissing Bischoff’s ass” last week during the town hall. Hilarious.
Guevara finally gets into the ring and he’s a house of fire, taking on both Wardlow and MJF and the crowd is going crazy. Ortiz gets back into the ring and is, once again, taking a beating. We now have Guevara and MJF in the ring again and this is just really good action. Where the hell is the tiger claw from Ortiz?!
Wardlow lands a massive F-10 on Ortiz and gets a near fall. Guevara was having a hell of a time until Matt Hardy gets involved and hits him with a steel chair, allowing MJF to get his arm bar on Ortiz for the tap out victory.