By Geno McGahee
MJF desperately wants to have the Paradigm Shift banned from the title match at ALL OUT. He comes to the ring a broken man, but he may be faking it. Moxley comes to the ring and the audience erupts. It’s great to see a crowd again. It’s time!!!
MJF is hilarious, insulting Moxley. Moxley is coming right back. This is the best heel in wrestling facing off with the best face. MJF calls Moxley a “glorified goon” and he seems to have the strategy set to keep the match in the ring. MJF is really spot on with this promo. This is a great main event for ALL OUT.
The lawyer for MJF is hilarious. He keeps threatening to sue. I hope he sticks around. Moxley agrees to terms and signs the contract and lets MJF knows that he is a “dead man on September 5th.” Unknown to team MJF, Moxley added a stipulation and the lawyer must face Moxley next week and if he doesn’t show up, MJF forfeits the title shot. This is great stuff.