By Geno McGahee
Jericho is furious that Cassidy ruined his 7 thousand dollar jacket. Marko Stunt is interviewed alongside Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy. Stunt needs to be fired. He’s terrible. Why did they ruin the team, putting Stunt in there? They were sure to turn into jobbers with him involved.
Kenny Omega is selling like crazy for Stunt. Luchasarus finally gets into the ring, but he’s not in there long. We get Stunt flossing. Oh joy. I’m guessing those tuning into NXT do so when Stunt is in the ring. Thank god Jericho is commentating …it’s the only way I can get through this.
Jungle Boy is awesome. Luchasaurus gets into the ring and starts kicking ass, beating all three men down. Backstage, Hangman Page is drinking with FTR. That adds more conflict to the Page-Omega team.
Omega starts landing his V triggers into a one winged angel to get the 3 count on Stunt. Thank god this one is over. Omega jumps Stunt after the match. It was great to see! He may be turning to the dark side.