By James Witherspoon
What is this shit I’m hearing about my boy, Liam Neeson? Now, he’s being TAKEN from behind by these EBT cellar dwellers that want to see his career go away because he was talking from the heart. Really? Really? Well, honesty is the best policy and these chumps that have no life or job want to run off at the mouth about this legend and superstar.
As y’all know, Liam gave a recent interview where he made some comments about a rape of a loved one and his feelings afterward that weren’t very good. He wasn’t bragging. He was just calling it the way it was man. Of course, the PC police were dispatched and now everyone is going after this great man and putting him on blast. Y’all know it all started with some fat, gaming, EBT-toting cellar dweller, demanding boycott of every new movie this man is in. GET A JOB!
Now, Neeson has given us so much and has asked so little and this is how you repay him? We need to get off this boycott train. Stop getting your panties in a bunch whenever you see something that you don’t like you keyboard warrior geeks. You make me sick. LEAVE MY LIAM ALONE!