By Geno McGahee
There are certain superhero approaches that are fresh and DOOM PATROL fell into that category. The odd show follows a group of heroes that are interesting and work off each other incredibly well. The storytelling is solid and it appeals to all ages and that is by design. In the fourth season of this series, it doesn’t miss a beat and doesn’t lose any quality that sometimes happens as you keep creating seasons. It’s just quality stuff.
The fourth season brings 12 episodes and ties up all the loose ends, bringing this series to a conclusion that is satisfactory. The cast is incredibly strong and a special mention should be made for Brendan Fraser. Despite the show being not always serious at all times, Fraser shows his acting skills throughout this series. He adds so much to the show. The rest of the cast is very good as well and they are given a lot to work with and seem to have fun with the roles they are in.
The show is presented incredibly well on Blu-ray. It’s vibrant and the special effects look near movie quality despite it being a made for TV show. Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment brings it to the homes in the best way and if you like the series, this is a must own.
DOOM PATROL: THE COMPLETE FOURTH SEASON is really good and continues the quality that we’ve come to know with the series.