Two of Cups
Now is a time for a union of sorts. While sometimes related to work or friendship, generally The Two of Cups signifies a new and powerful love or an existing relationship within a positive transition. This could be moving in together, a proposal or even a marriage on the horizon.
When in regards to new romance, the Two of Cups speaks of a passion and a deep connection that exists between two people who have come together. It’s exciting and fresh and can make one feel as though they are on cloud 9. Enjoy it and don’t over-think, as this stage is the honeymoon period. Allow the relationship to manifest without any pressure and the results will be one of compassion, understanding, and long-lasting and amazing sexual energy. There are not any conflicts so don’t look for any. The instinct to start a war out of fear of abandonment or because of the mistakes in past relationships can be enticing, but fight it. When the memories of old demons emerge, remind yourself that this is a new day and a new love.
Likewise, when the Two of Cups is regarding an existing relationship, the advice is much the same. Don’t allow the fear within to stop a positive evolution of the bond between you two. You may be one to often run when commitment is brought up, but ignore that protective voice in your head. Don’t allow the fear to keep you from what you want or from making a move that you know in your heart is right. You’ve lost enough in love and this is your chance to win, so win.
If the Two of Cups speaks more to your work-life, look for an opportunity to collaborate with a colleague on your level. Find someone who brings as much to the table as you do and brainstorm a new project or solutions for an existing one. Now is the time as you are in a social period of your life and being around likeminded and driven people will help you find the success you’re striving for.
In terms of friendship, keep your confidants and loved ones close by. Plan a lighthearted, enjoyable gathering with your easy-going, non-dramatic friends. You need to surround yourself around positivity, love and fun. Keep the gossips and negative peeps away for now. This is your time to be happy and experience fun people and great love. Don’t let anyone or anything get in the way of that – not even your own self-doubt.
Card Pulled by Hungarian Gypsy – Melissa Antoinette Garza
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