By Geno McGahee
Dynamite begins and here we go with former champion, Jon Moxley, heading to the ring to take on Ryan Nemeth and he did a hilarious promo. I can see why they are pushing him. He’s got a lot of potential but not tonight. Moxley is one of the best and most explosive in AEW and he ends it relatively quickly with the Paradigm Shift. He is heading into an explosive barbwire match against current champion, Kenny Omega.
Lance Archer will be taking on Rey Fenix tonight for a spot in the Face of the Company ladder match. Archer says that he will kick Fenix’s despite their recent semi-friendship and it soon erupts into a fight. This main event will be a lot of fun.
The Young Bucks are hanging out with their dad and I have a sneaking suspicion that he may come into play tonight somehow. Brian Pillman, JR., and Griff Garrison enter the ring and are ready to take on Team Taz, Brian Cage and Ricky Starks. Team Taz are ready to take on Sting and Darby Allin at the PPV in a street fight.
Brian Cage landed a huge power bomb on Pillman, JR., outside the ring and he landed hard on the ring steps. That must’ve hurt. Griff Garrison is landing a lot of impressive offense and the Varsity Blondes are getting better week by week.
Cage finally gets the hot tag and spikes Pillman, JR., into the floor for the 1-2-3 after a very good and competitive match. The lights go out and we get a black and white video of Sting driving and dragging Darby Allin in a body bag. The snow falls and Sting comes to the ring dragging a body bag. He has Taz’s son as Allin zip lines to the ring from the rafters. This is some cool shit. Holy fuck! STINGER SPLASH! SCORPION DEATH DROP ON BRIAN CAGE!!!!! This is insane.
Brandon Cutler has an awesome ring costume. He will be taking on the Inner Circle’s Jake Hager. Hager comes to the ring and is ready for war and is much bigger than his opponent tonight. The strength of Hager is the story of this match right away as he tosses Cutler around with ease.
Cutler finally gets some offense as he out-maneuvers Hager and is landing some quick and high-flying offense, but it doesn’t last long. Hager once again takes control and hits him with a wicked clothesline to get the 3 count. I like Hager using a clothesline finisher. Santana, Ortiz and Wardlow come out and attack Cutler leading to the Bucks to come to the ring.
The Bucks call Jericho and MJF to the ring, but it’s not happening. Instead, Jericho and MJF are backstage and they beat down the Buck’s father. It’s awesome stuff. This is a really great episode of Dynamite so far.
Isiah Kassidy, led to the ring by Matt Hardy along with TH2. Hangman Page comes to the ring alone to take on Kassidy, but has his hands full with the mob of goons around the ring. It’s only a matter of time before Page finally gets his hands on a title.
John Silver and Alex Reynolds come to the ring to back up their friend, but where is Evil Uno?! Page lands the Deadeye to get the 3 count in a brutal encounter. Hardy grabs the microphone and tells Page that he betrayed him and that he is going to hurt him and every member of the Dark Order. Hardy attacks #5.
Dr. Britt Baker, DDS, is back and is facing Nyla Rose in a women’s world championship tournament match. Come on Baker! Nyla starts off using body slam after body slam and Baker decides to leave, but comes back to the ring. Rose is dominating but Baker gets some damage done outside of the ring. Nyla Rose wins the match, unfortunately.
Onto the main event as Lance Archer takes on Rey Fenix. Archer needs to win a belt. He is tremendous. This match is immediately awesome with these two. Fenix is incredible and makes every match super intense.
An unbelievable Spanish Fly from the top rope by Fenix!!! Archer barely kicks out and starts to build momentum with a buckle bomb and choke slam, leading to a near fall. Archer lands the Blackout for the 3 count!