Page of Cups
In a traditional deck, the Page of Cups depicts a man holding a chalice. Unexpectedly, a fish pops out of the glass. The Page isn’t frightened or put off. Instead, he looks on with a smile and listens to the creature from the sea.
The Page of Cups reflects one who is open to all the alleged unknowns of the universe. The word “impossible” does not exist in the mind of the Page. He knows the powers of the mind, body & spirit and the abilities of the mystical realms and elemental wonders.
Some consider him a dreamer, and he is. He is a magnificent, intuitive and remarkable dreamer. More than that, he has the potential to manifest his dreams into reality. He is a poetic magic man who is in tune with his emotional side, the feelings of others and the messages of nature and the world. He’s open, he’s pure and he’s good. He hears what others do not and he sees what others are blind to.
Now is the time to put these instincts to work. Your intuition is stronger than ever. Your artistic side is dancing with your intellectualism as new ideas occur to you and new plans arise. You are in charge! You are driving the car and you know your destination. It’s instinct right now! Just follow them. Whatever the little voice in your head says, regardless of how crazy it may seem to others – go with it! Invest in yourself as you are a very rare breed with a level of enlightenment that few others will ever attain.
Whether in regards to new schooling, new jobs, new overall direction or just a reemergence of your creative and expressive side, fall into it. Take hold. Some may try to encourage you to live the 9-5 grind. They may try to make unreasonable demands or belittle your belief system. They may not put value on your talents and abilities, but that’s their stubborn baggage. Don’t adopt it.
Admittedly, this is your Achilles heel as the attitudes of others are draining on you. Your sensitivity and kindness gets the best of you every time. Your desire to make others happy can easily get in the way of your progress towards personal growth. Shut them out, shut them down and show them the door. If conflict and confrontation is too much for your amazingly sweet soul, pacify them with your charm. Let them think what they want, but continue to be the person you want to be. Don’t let them change you as you are on the cusp of a greatness that they can’t and won’t understand.
Allow yourself to live in and enjoy the world you’ve created with those who love to dance with you. It is far more real than the world the naysayers and disbelievers try to pull you into.
Card Pulled by Hungarian Gypsy – Melissa Antoinette Garza
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