A Plea From Melissa and Stephen Garza
Whenever an awful tragedy occurs, I recall the saying “there but for the grace of God go I.” As an agnostic who wants to be a Christian, I can’t help but think in times like this, where God’s grace is.
If one positive outcome occurs in times like this, it brings people together. We are given the opportunity – dare I say, a responsibility to do something. Whatever you can do, you must.
As fellow human beings huddle in masses awaiting the bare essentials of life – things we often take fore granted, we must open are hearts and pockets to assist. Over a million people await food, electricity, and medical assistance. In a disaster as catastrophic to Japan as World War II, a powerful nation faces a nuclear meltdown and the after effects of the largest earthquake on record.
Though I typically do not enter onto a soapbox asking people to donate for causes I believe in, I feel that now I have a responsibility to. I ask that you visit www.redcross.org and make a donation. As little or as much as you can – I ask that you do so.
I too have donated and will do so again. And just as an agnostic who wants to be a Christian will do, I will pray for all those impacted by this tragedy.
I thank you for your contribution.
Melissa and Stephen Garza