In Jimmy Loweree’s striking horror feature debut ABSENCE, doctors are baffled when a young expectant mother Liz (Erin Way, “Alphas”), wakes to find her nearly-to-term pregnancy disappear overnight. The police are investigating the situation as a missing child case and only her husband, Rick (Eric Matheny, J. Edgar) and brother, Evan (Ryan Smale, Damage) trust her version of events. Told in the “found footage” style, Evan looks for answers by filming his sister’s experience. The trio embarks upon a trip to the mountains to escape the attention of the police and prying neighbors. When the trip spins out of control they realize that whatever happened with Liz and her baby isn’t over. None of them are safe.
Directed by: Jimmy Loweree
Written by: Jimmy Loweree and Jake Moreno
Starring: Erin Way, Eric Matheny, Ryan Smale, Stephanie Scholz
Distributor: Cinedigm
TRT: 82 minutes
ABSENCE opens in theaters July 5, 2013!